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   Barun ICT Research Colloquium - 4 29 ()   2022.04.13  HIT:22665


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ٸICTҴ 2022 4 29 ݿ 5ÿ ,
'Ҽ ̵ ߵ' Ź ִ 縣б ɸк Ph.D Julia Brailovskaia ð 
Barun ICT Research Colloquium ¶(Zoom) մϴ.
ٸICT ִ ϸ, 
(û) ûϽ е鲲 ¶ ۷ ʴ 帳ϴ. 
[2022 Barun ICT Research Colloquium]
   - : From Social Media Use to Social Media Addiction
   -       : Ph.D Julia Brailovskaia (Ruhr-Universität Bochum/ Ȩ 縣б ɸк)
   -       : 2022 4 29 () 17:00~18:00
   - ûũ: https://forms.gle/kVkUSaEgeR8phYSJ6   (û Ŭ)
   - : 
 Social media use belongs to our everyday life. In the short-term, it contributes to feelings of social support and enhances positive mood. 
However, in the longer-term, intensive social media use can contribute to the development of a strong emotional bond to the online world 
and the pathological need to stay permanently online that can negatively impact our mental health. In the present talk, PD Dr. Julia Brailovskaia 
will explain the mechanisms that can foster the development of Social Media Addiction, its consequences for mental health, and how we can 
protect our mental health in the age of the digital revolution.


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